How can you participate?
Currently, we are conducting the "InSel" project in 5th, 6th and 7th grades at regular schools. Several schools in the Dortmund area and in Hessen are already participating in the "InSel" project. If your school is already involved and you are a teacher of a 5th, 6th oder 7th-grade class, you will receive a flyer and a letter with further information about participation in the near future.
If we have piqued your interest in participating in our study and your school is not yet part of the "InSel" project, please feel free to contact us at SW5TZWxAcHN5Y2hvbC51bmktZ2llc3Nlbi5kZQ== or SW5TZWxAZGlwZi5kZQ==. You can also reach us by phone at: +49 (0)69 24708-583 or +49 (0) 641 99-26174.